
Dr. Sui Chai: El Encuentro de Dos Expertos

En la presentación, el Dr. Siu Chai, fundador del Hospital St. Carlos, analiza un estudio de caso que involucra a un paciente con adenocarcinoma poco diferenciado y una pérdida de peso significativa. El paciente, que inicialmente rechazó la quimioterapia después de una cirugía de emergencia, posteriormente presentó dolor persistente y más complicaciones. El Dr. Siu Chai enfatiza la importancia de una sólida relación médico-paciente en el tratamiento, destacando cómo entender las preocupaciones y miedos del paciente puede llevar a mejores resultados de salud. Después de implementar un enfoque de tratamiento holístico, que incluye medicina herbal y terapia de biostasis, la condición del paciente mejoró significativamente, demostrando la efectividad de una estrategia médica integral y empática.

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  • El Dr. Siu Chai, fundador del Hospital San Carlos, presenta un estudio de caso sobre un paciente con adenocarcinoma poco diferenciado.
  • El paciente experimentó una pérdida de peso severa y rechazó la quimioterapia tras someterse a una cirugía de emergencia.
  • El dolor persistente y las complicaciones llevaron al paciente a buscar más asistencia médica.
  • El Dr. Siu Chai enfatiza la importancia de una relación sólida entre el médico y el paciente para un tratamiento efectivo.
  • Comprender las preocupaciones y miedos del paciente puede conducir a mejores resultados de salud.
  • Un enfoque de tratamiento holístico, que incluye medicina herbal y terapia de biostasis, resultó en una mejora significativa en la condición del paciente.


Okay. Meanwhile, while they try to connect the laptop into the projector, I would like to introduce you. I would like to introduce Doctor Suta a little bit. He is the founder of St. Carlos Hospital and he is also the president of St. Carlos group. And today Doctor Su Chai is originally from Thailand. Will give us the case study on a patient. On a patient with a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and metastasis being spotted.

He has a severe breathing from the last ulcer of the gastric. Then the doctor do emergency surgery like a hemogastectomy. The tissue biopsy is purely differentiate adenocarcinoma admittance to the one of the six renals and inverting polycastric fat. Okay. Yeah. And this doctor advised him to do chemotherapy and he refused. Then he come back home and three weeks PTA. The abnormal pain is still and the dyspepsia is still.

At this time he has a lot of breast loss. He said approximately about more than 10 kg loose weight. He had no say a vomiting. And anytime that he take a big meal he cannot stand, he will vomit out. Then he consult to the gun Siam St. Carlos Hospital and we admit him. Go to the next.

For past history he has a diagnosis of aortic regal ttan on April the year of 2002. Go to the next. Okay. For family history, he has no holiday history, but he has four children and all of his four children have gastritis. Next, social history. He has three packs per day, smoke for 30 years and occasionally alcohol. Next, let's add a review system. Heartburn is positive, poly appetite positive and weight loss positive. And the left is negative.

Okay, next physical examination. At first time that we saw this patient, he quite thin if compared to his build and no energy. His walking or his speaking is quite slow because he said he is very weak. Because within three weeks he cannot eat anything. And he has a lot of weight loss and a little bit pale. And his abdomen have post op scar.

Let's go to the next course in the world. We do diagnosis like chest x ray, ultrasound, x ray and ct scan. Let's go to the next. From his CBC you can see some. A little bit anemia. Next. Yeah. For the. For the batch biochemistry. His what you call kidney function is a little bit upper limit. Next year, his urine, he has some WBC and RBC. Yeah.

In the urine. Yeah, you can. If it took fast you can. You can ask and we go back. Yeah. Okay. For the lungs you can see bilateral pulmonary emphysema. I think maybe because of what you call maybe because of a heavy smoke for 30 years. Okay, next for the ultrasound is unremarkable. Okay. Everything is okay. You can go.

Next here for the abdul x ray we have. He has a written chance of the fluid in the gastric remnant. And also I take this. I think this 1 may be because his own s. Next for the abdominal ct scan, you can see this one and you can connect here. That is how it's in it. This one is the intramural mass in the posterior wall of the gastric remnant. This one, this technique. We use the iodine.

Iodine to like a contrast. And this one. This one is the contract of the iodine. And this one is the mass. Yeah. And this is the river. Okay. You can connect. For re evaluate the state of the cancer. It state three to four, n one and m zero. For our center, we advise him to do supportive treatment with the alternative treatment. Because we discussed with the surgeon already and we discussed with.

And he said in this case he don't think that radiotherapy and chemotherapy will help him. Then he consult to our center the tumor marker. We done what we done and result is negative. You can connect usually Ca is the normal. Non smoking is 3.4 and smoker is 4.3. Not more than. But this is 2.7. Is still okay.

For this Ca 19 nine. The result is 6.1. For the normal is not more than 37. Then tumor markers still. Okay, you can go. Next course in the world. We start on the herbal medicine and biostasis therapy. For the herbal medicine, we use the syllabus of the tension. Number one. And for the biostasis therapy we use the recombine biostatistic therapy. It's quite new for you, I think because we combine the knowledge of acupuncture from China and chakra from the Euroida from India and typeoid.

And we use the technology of the Germany to like biophysics to fix. This is the computerized machine and you can investigate and you can tweet at the same time. Okay. And okay, you can go next. I forgot to tell you, the first time that I met this patient heighted 63. After two weeks of treatment. After two months of treatment with CNC number one and biostatistic therapy, he gained about 8.

Within five months of therapy he gained about 13 kg. Okay, okay, you can go to next. Because this patient come to treat with us about three cause of the biostasis. And I asked him to continue the herbal medicine like attention number one. Okay. For one course of Bell cell seed, we do like this. For one month, we will do biost for ten days per one day is for half an hour. Okay, we can go the next.

After five months, from June until last month, November, we repeat the ct scan of the abdomen and outer cell and let's see the result. Okay, so next, this one is the valium contrast of the stomach remnant. You can see the wall of the stomach is quite smooth and thin like no thickening like that. Yeah, we can go the next. The ultrasound still okay? Yeah, it's liver. Everything is still okay. Okay, I can be next.

And the ultrasound. This is the liver has the some what you call fatty liver. Okay, next. And you can see this ct scan. This one, the retention of the fluids in just material. This one, we use the same technique of the iodinate contrast. We can go next. Here you see the previous describe lesion disappear, probably due to intest. Okay, you can see now the wall of the stomach is not thickening anymore because the contrast is homogeneous.

Coco next year, then we can compare for the five months treatment about June to November. This year. You can see this is what you call intramural. And this is quite homogeneous, no mass. Okay. This patient at this point that I told you already, he gained about 13 kg. In our center, we try to treat the patient as like a holistic. We try to twist the whole body. Then we use.

If you observe, we did not use any technique that what you call disturb or I make patients suffer like we did not use score. Because my patient said he get bored already. He want to die smoothly. He don't want to do anything that painful again like a surgery or doing school for doing anything. Can you understand my english? Ah, thank you. Yeah, yeah.

Okay. Do you have any question for this case? If you have no question, I have question. What do you think about this case? What is the most important. What is the most important to make your patient better or at this time? I never said that he is cure because now he has very, very good health. He can do his job at the same. The most important for treatment of the patient is the good relationship of doctor and patient.

If suppose you respect your patient, you care, you concern your empathy, your patient, your patient will tell you everything of the history and you can understand him and he will feel like he has the part to make decision of himself. I think I have about eight minutes left then. Yes, yes, yes. May you translate for me again, because I cannot. I cannot. Listen.

Ah, the doses we do normal doses. Yeah. The normal doses of the tension. Number one. Yeah. I mean, he's only taking the liquid only, that's all. Yeah, yeah. I keep him only liquid without all the other cancer. Yeah.

No, no. An active capsule. Yeah. Because this case I can tell you the truth that this patient have usually for thai people. Usually for thai people, what you call for one month, about 25,000 baht per month is quite high quality. Then this case I can tell you the truth that I pay for him half and he pay himself half for the silob, yeah.

Yes. Then I usually tension number one. Silob one. Okay. Why I said good relationship of doctor and patient is quite important. Let's go to the next, okay. Because we will what you call. We will keep in mind that the first disease and patient cannot separate out. And also patient and adulter men cannot separate also.

If suppose you have this case, we call it delectable or linear. If suppose your patient have trauma, they will have wound and they have a staph infection. Step audio sufficient and they have upset. This is quite easy for us that we are doctor to understand. Go to the next. Basically I see this case, we have linear multiple position. We have so many factors. But it can what you call effect directly. Then he has a hypertension.

This is not difficult for us also we don't need to use what you call good relationship with the patient and doctor also. Let us see the next. Let us see this case, okay. Suppose your patient have a chronic DM hypertension. After he has chronic disease, you will make away megapoint every month and he will visit you every month. His boss will complain that why you awaken. You lost your job, all of that. Maybe his relative will complain him also. That why you spend a lot of money.

Then you have spread and he have depression. After that you have a CVA, okay. After CVA, he cannot walk. Then he lie down. He have bedshaw. If you lie down, you cannot go to your job. You can lost your job. Then this one is more complicated. You can see if you lost your job, you more straight. You more straight. You can more. This one is a more complicated case.

Then I said, good relationship is very good for you to manage the patient. Okay, can go to next, okay. I said my idea is meeting of the two experts. One expert is the doctor. The one expert is the patient. If suppose a patient come to visit you, okay. He walk in to every doctor. When we graduate, our professor, our teacher which is asked to solve the disease. What the meaning of this is? Disease is the definition or the term that doctor give the patient.

When the patient walk in, you said, ah, you have diabetes, you have hypertension. You have moms, you have alubera. That is the term. Okay. The most important is do not forget to check about the illness. About the idea of the patient. About the feeling, about the fear and the expectation. You choose. Ask your patient also.

What about his feeling? He feel that he weak. He feel weak. He feels suffer. He afraid that he will die. He afraid he will lost his job. He has no sexual design. And he expect to have normal life again. Similar this case. Okay. When you have disease and illness checking. Ready. Let us see the patient of the context.

Okay. You see the patient. It combines of disease and illness. That I said. This disease and illness cannot separate from the patient and cannot separate from the environment. Cannot separate from the relative. Also, if suppose you can explain to his relative to take good care of him and to understand him. Everything will be better. Then let us go to discuss the problem with another specialist.

We discuss with his family and himself the patient. And we will set up the goal and the role or the process. What will we do for him after that? We will make the decision together. Then I think in this way that might explain. We have the very good result. Why? Because your patient will feel more comfortable.

He can tell you everything. Like an economic problem or social problem or his physical problem. Then we can have the good result. Okay, I think my time is up already. Thank you for listening. If you have any more questions, I bring all my theme. Yeah, you can see. Okay. Thank you.

Thank you. Dr. Zhu chai.

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