
Dr. Hiroyuki Abe: Un Enfoque Integrado para el Tratamiento del Cáncer

El discurso del doctor Abe aborda la importancia de los tratamientos contra el cáncer, centrándose en la eficacia y los mecanismos del líquido Tian Xian. Él enfatiza un enfoque integrativo en la terapia del cáncer que considera tanto los aspectos biológicos de los tumores como los mecanismos de defensa del cuerpo. Los puntos clave incluyen la importancia de la detección temprana, el papel de los niveles de oxígeno en el crecimiento tumoral y la necesidad de inhibir la angiogénesis. Se destaca el líquido Tian Xian, compuesto por hierbas naturales, por su capacidad para atacar tumores sin dañar las células sanas, mejorar las respuestas inmunitarias y aliviar los efectos secundarios de los tratamientos convencionales. Los ensayos clínicos indican su efectividad en diversos tipos de cáncer, especialmente gastrointestinales, y los estudios de casos demuestran reducciones significativas en el tamaño del tumor. En última instancia, el líquido Tian Xian surge como un componente crucial en las estrategias modernas de tratamiento integrativo del cáncer.

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  • El discurso del doctor Abe se centra en los tratamientos contra el cáncer, la eficacia del líquido Tian Xian, sus mecanismos y consideraciones de uso.
  • Enfatiza un enfoque integrativo en la terapia del cáncer, considerando aspectos biológicos y mecanismos de defensa del hospedador.
  • Destaca la importancia de la detección temprana cuando el cáncer crece a aproximadamente 1 gramo, volviéndose clínicamente identificable.
  • Explica el crecimiento tumoral y la angiogénesis, señalando que los tumores crecen lentamente con suficiente oxígeno, pero rápidamente en condiciones anóxicas.
  • Subraya la necesidad de detener el crecimiento tumoral e inhibir la formación de nuevos vasos sanguíneos para un tratamiento efectivo.
  • Describe el impacto del ritmo circadiano en el crecimiento tumoral, con un crecimiento máximo que ocurre por la noche.
  • Discute el líquido Tian Xian, hecho de sustancias naturales, que ataca los tumores sin dañar las células sanas.
  • Contiene varias hierbas chinas, mejorando las funciones anticancerígenas y estimulando las respuestas inmunitarias.
  • Los ensayos clínicos muestran que el líquido Tian Xian puede controlar las células cancerosas, extendiendo la vida de los pacientes y disminuyendo las amenazas de muerte.
  • Es efectivo para varios tipos de cáncer, particularmente los gastrointestinales, con tasas de eficacia superiores al 50% para otros tipos.
  • Alivia los efectos secundarios de la radiación y la quimioterapia, mejorando la calidad de vida del paciente.
  • Ilustra la activación de macrófagos, que son cruciales para la respuesta inmune contra los tumores.
  • Demuestra la influencia del líquido Tian Xian en la replicación del ADN, inhibiendo el crecimiento tumoral y promoviendo la apoptosis.
  • Los estudios de casos muestran una reducción significativa en el tamaño del tumor en pacientes tratados con líquido Tian Xian junto con terapias convencionales.
  • Concluye que el líquido Tian Xian es un componente vital de los enfoques integrativos en el tratamiento del cáncer.


Doctor Abe's speech today will focus on the significance of cancer treatments, the efficacy of Tian Xian liquid, the mechanism of Tian Xian liquid, and important considerations when using Tian Xian liquid. Good morning, dear colleagues, ladies, and gentlemen. Today, I would like to discuss the integrative approach to cancer therapy. Additionally, I will touch upon some aspects of Tian Xian liquid. First slide, please. Could you lower it a little bit?

When we attempt to treat cancer, we must consider two key factors. The first is the biological aspect of the cancer, and the second is the host's defense mechanisms against it. Cancer remains undetectable when it is small, but once it reaches about 1 gram, it can be identified as a clinical disease. Next slide, please. This is a representation of tumor growth and angiogenesis. When the tumor is very small, similar to a glucose grain, its location is unknown.

However, as the cancer grows to approximately 1 gram, we are able to diagnose it. The cancer continues to grow gradually until it forms a significantly larger tumor. A critical question arises: why does cancer grow? When the oxygen content in the tumor is sufficient, it grows slowly. Conversely, when the tumor experiences anoxic conditions—lack of oxygen—the situation changes, and various processes activate within the tumor, leading to rapid microvascular development.

Once the tumor reaches about 1 gram, it evades immune control and can metastasize to other organs. From this framework, we need to prioritize stopping the tumor's growth itself and addressing angiogenesis. If the tumor is already angiogenic, it will grow very quickly. Next slide, please. This slide illustrates the neurovascular relationship with cancer. Here, we see that once angiogenesis occurs, the tumor grows rapidly and eventually metastasizes.

As the tumor expands, it invades blood vessels, allowing it to travel to distant sites, where it can form new tumors. Therefore, stopping tumor growth and inhibiting new blood vessel formation are critical components of effective cancer treatment. Next slide, please. Another significant aspect is that tumors tend to grow at night while we sleep. This is influenced by the body's circadian rhythms, which can affect the progression of various diseases.

Research indicates that tumor growth peaks around midnight, potentially continuing until 4:00 AM. Next slide, please. Studies show that smaller tumors, those less than 250 mg, exhibit a growth rate of 3.8 during the day, but at night, this rate skyrockets to 29.4. Even rare tumors exceeding 750 mg show similar patterns, growing more during nighttime than in the day. Therefore, tumor growth consistently accelerates at night, underscoring its significance in treatment planning.

Another intriguing phenomenon in cancer treatment involves the original tumor producing angiostatin. This protein can keep metastatic tumors dormant, preventing them from growing. However, if the primary tumor is surgically removed, the loss of angiostatin can lead to rapid growth of the previously dormant metastatic tumors. This underscores the importance of ongoing monitoring and treatment following surgery. Next slide, please.

Our approach to cancer treatment is integrative, typically involving surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. However, these methods alone are often insufficient. We also explore immunological treatments, hormonal therapies, and thermotherapies. Notably, we incorporate Chinese herbal medicine, which has proven to be both effective and vital. Next slide, please.

Tian Xian liquid, as you may know, is composed entirely of natural substances without any trace of chemical compounds. Its most significant distinction from other treatments is that it targets the tumor's source without harming the human body, making it beneficial for overall health. Next slide, please. The formulation includes various Chinese herbs such as Radix Jason Margarita, Radix Turiko, and Clematis root, among others.

Doctor Wali will elaborate further on these components. Next slide, please. Tian Xian liquid not only kills cancer cells but also protects normal cells, enhancing their anti-cancer functions. By stimulating these immune responses, it accelerates the patient’s recovery process. Clinical experiments have shown that significant results can be achieved after continuous dosing for seven to 21 days, meaning that after three weeks of treatment, the cancerous cells will be controlled, ceasing to multiply and diminishing over time.

This treatment extends patients' lifespans and reduces the threat of death, highlighting the critical role of Tian Xian liquid in cancer care. Next slide, please. The efficacy of Tian Xian liquid is particularly notable in gastrointestinal cancers, such as those affecting the esophagus, stomach, and colon, with effectiveness rates ranging from 89% to over 90%. Other cancers, including lung, hepatic, breast, and brain tumors, also demonstrate efficacy rates exceeding 50%.

Importantly, Tian Xian liquid has been shown to alleviate the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Patients undergoing radiation therapy often experience nausea, hair loss, mucosal damage, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia. Tian Xian liquid can improve these side effects in more than 80% of cases, making it a beneficial adjunct to traditional treatments. Next slide, please.

Research has indicated that Tian Xian liquid is superior to many Chinese herbal treatments, showing effectiveness in targeting tumor growth, enhancing immune response, and improving overall body function. Next slide, please. The effectiveness of Tian Xian liquid is evident in its antioxidant properties, as seen in studies where sulfur oxide levels diminished following treatment.

Furthermore, Tian Xian liquid activates macrophages, an important component of the immune system, which will be discussed in more detail by Doctor San. Next slide, please. Here, we see an illustration depicting the function of macrophages as they attack tumors, illustrating the direct impact of Tian Xian liquid on the immune response. Next slide, please.

The most crucial action of Tian Xian liquid is illustrated in its ability to activate topoisomerase in DNA, which is essential for DNA duplication. If topoisomerase is blocked, DNA cannot replicate, leading to tumor fragility. Next slide, please. This slide demonstrates the cell cycle of tumor cells, outlining the stages from G1 (growth) to the M stage (mitosis). We find that Tian Xian liquid significantly influences the S stage, where DNA synthesis occurs.

Next slide, please. For esophageal cancer, when chemotherapy is administered alone, the effectiveness is measured at 57.2%. However, when combined with Tian Xian liquid, the effectiveness increases to 79.2%. This indicates that Tian Xian liquid plays a crucial role in enhancing treatment outcomes. Next slide, please.

To illustrate, I would like to present a case study of a patient with breast cancer that metastasized to the lungs. After administering Tian Xian liquid for three months, we observed a significant decrease in tumor size. Next slide, please. This case of stomach cancer further exemplifies Tian Xian liquid's efficacy; after six months of treatment, only minimal changes in tumor size were noted, indicating that the cancer growth had effectively stopped.

In summary, the evidence surrounding Tian Xian liquid demonstrates that it is more than just herbal medicine; it directly interacts with cellular DNA to regulate division and inhibit tumor growth, as well as prevent metastasis. Combining Tian Xian liquid with chemotherapy, radiation, or surgical treatments offers a promising integrative approach in cancer therapy. As we embrace this integrative medicine paradigm, Tian Xian liquid emerges as a vital component. Thank you very much for your attention.

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